2015 – 2017: The Ethico-Political Relevance of Thinking. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Relation Between Thinking and Action
In this project we intend to discuss the relationship thinking–action from a perspective combining methods and approaches pertaining to several philosophical disciplines (the main method will be the phenomenological-hermeneutical one). Our goal is to explain the ethico-political relevance that thinking has for action in a more originary way than through the traditional dichotomy theory–practice (which, from Plato onwards, favours contemplation, theoria, to the detriment of praxis).
Given that an ethical action and an authentic political one always engage others, our goal is to interpret the relation of thinking to action otherwise than as a theoretical guidance of interaction, i.e. a guidance coming from the outside of the sphere of human interactions. We will start from the Heideggerian interpretation of thinking – for Heidegger offers the most radical critique of the dichotomy theory–practice – and from Arendt’s interpretation of action, which will help us to develop Heidegger’s critique, which does not thematize enough the individuality in the context of human plurality and does not interpret action as inter-action.
Our project opposes those approaches which (under the influence of Lévinas, Habermas or Arendt) argue that Heidegger’s philosophy would be anti-ethical and anti-democratic: with the help of contributions from authors such as Ricoeur, Derrida, Nancy and Raffoul, we will show that it can be a starting point for thinking and acting ethically and politically.
- Project director: Dr. Bogdan MINCĂ
- Project title: The Ethico-Political Relevance of Thinking. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Relation Between Thinking and Action
- Project code: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-2881
- Contract no.: 324/ 01.10.2015
- Program: “Tinere Echipe”
- Financed by: CNCS-UEFISCDI
- Period of Time: October 2015 – November 2017
- Funding: 549.896 lei
Current team:
- Dr. Bogdan MINCĂ – Project director
- Dr. Ileana BORȚUN – Team membe
- Drd. Raluca BUJOR – Team member
- Drd. Paul SANDU – Team member
Past team member:
- The Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology – Comunitate – identitate – diferenţă: Priviri fenomenologice, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 16-17 November 2016.
Edited Books
- Alexandru Bejinariu & Ileana Borțun (ed.), Comunitate – Identitate – Diferență: Priviri fenomenologice, Zeta Books, 2018;
- Cristian Ciocan & Bogdan Mincă (ed.), Heidegger și Scrisoarea despre „umanism” – după 70 de ani, Zeta Books, 2018 (forthcoming).
- Bogdan Mincă, Origin and Difference. Heidegger’s Translative Thinking, Brill, Leiden, 2019.
- Bogdan Mincă, “Heidegger’s Return to the Cave. The Interpretation of the Platonic Cave Allegory and Theaetetus as an Early Indication of Kehre and Ereignis”, in: Heidegger Studies, vol. 33, 2017.
- Bogdan Mincă, “Dichtung und Politik bei Martin Heidegger”, in: Hans-Christian Günther (ed.), Political Poetry across the Centuries, Brill, Leiden, 2016, pp. 15-26;
- Ileana Borţun, “Authenticity and Plurality. From Heidegger’s ‘Anyone’ to Arendt’s ‘Common Sense’ and Back Again”, in: Hans Bernhard Schmid, Gerhard Thonhauser (coord.), Heidegger’s Anyone and Contemporary Social Theory, pp. 133-156, Springer, 2017
- Bogdan Mincă, “Interpretarea dată de Heidegger arche-ului grec ca «salt originar» (Ursprung) în Originea operei de artă”, in: Mădălina Diaconu & Christian Ferencz-Flatz (eds.), Estetica fenomenologică după centenar. Perspective istorice și tendințe actuale, Editura Universității A.I. Cuza din Iași, Iași, 2016;
- Ileana Borţun, “Locul subiectivităţii în înţelegerea operei de artă: Heidegger vs. Schapiro”, in: Mădălina Diaconu & Christian Ferencz-Flatz (eds.), Estetica fenomenologică după centenar. Perspective istorice și tendințe actuale, Editura Universității A.I. Cuza din Iași, Iași, 2016;
- Paul-Gabriel Sandu, “Die Dynamik des Verfallens. Eine genetische Perspektive”, in: Gerhard Thonhauser (ed.), Perspektiven mit Heidegger, Alber Verlag, Freiburg, 2017.
- Bogdan Mincă, Marion et Heidegger sur l’Ereignis comme donation et retrait. Théologie mystique ou pensée de l’être?, at the International Conference Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology, 23th-26th of March 2017, University of Warsaw.
- Bogdan Mincă, Heidegger’s Interpretation of the Aristotelian Poiesis and of its Importance for the Preeminence of Sophia over Phronesis, at the International Conference 2400 Aristotle, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, 25-26 November 2016;
- Ileana Borțun, The Existential Status of Friendship. A Phenomenological Perspective on Aristotle’s Philia, at the International Conference 2400 Aristotle, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest, 25-26 November 2016;
- Răzvan Ostroveanu, The Absence of a Normative Component in Capabilities Theory, at the conference Central and Eastern European LUMEN International Conference MEPDEV 2016, Valahia University of Târgoviște, 17-18 noiembrie 2016;
- Bogdan Mincă: Gândirea acțiunii ca gândire a diferenței și identității la Heidegger, at the Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology – Comunitate – identitate – diferenţă: Priviri fenomenologice, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 16-17 November 2016;
- Ileana Borțun: Identitatea lărgită. Exercitarea facultății de judecare ca ospitalitate, at the Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology – Comunitate – identitate – diferenţă: Priviri fenomenologice, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 16-17 November 2016;
- Răzvan Ostroveanu, Identitate practică și autonomie în filosofia morală kantiană, at the Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology – Comunitate – identitate – diferenţă: Priviri fenomenologice, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 16-17 November 2016;
- Paul-Gabriel Sandu: Alterizarea: constituirea persoanei prin raport cu celălalt în fenomenologia husserliană, at the Annual Conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology – Comunitate – identitate – diferenţă: Priviri fenomenologice, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 16-17 November 2016;
- Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Die Dynamik des Verfallens – Eine genetische Perspektive, at the Tagung für Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden: „Perspektiven mit Heidegger“, University of Viena, 3-5 May 2016;
- Ileana Borțun: Imagining Oneself as Another. Imagination in Arendt and Heidegger, at the 10th Annual Seminar – Imagination as an Act. Phenomenological Approaches, University of Liège, 25-29 April 2016.
- Bogdan Mincă: Origin and Difference: Heidegger’s thinking of the difference in the years 1931-35, at NOSP Annual Conference – Phenomenology and Beyond, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 21-23 April 2016;
- Ileana Borțun: In search of Heidegger’s “common sense”: The political relevance of Mitverstehen, at NOSP Annual Conference – Phenomenology and Beyond, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 21-23 April 2016.
- Bogdan Mincă: Interpretarea dată de Heidegger arché-ului grec ca „salt originar” (Ur- sprung) în Originea operei de artă, at the Annual Colloquium of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology Estetica fenomenologică după centenar. Perspective istorice și tendințe actuale (In memoriam Walter Biemel (1918–2015)), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 21st of November 2015;
- Ileana Borțun: Locul subiectivităţii în înţelegerea operei de artă: Heidegger vs Shapiro, at the Annual Colloquium of Romanian Society for Phenomenology Estetica fenomenologică după centenar. Perspective istorice și tendințe actuale (In memoriam Walter Biemel (1918–2015)), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, 21st of November 2015.