Dr. Remus Breazu

Remus Breazu received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Bucharest (2020) with a thesis concerning the concept of transcendental in Edmund Husserl’s and Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology, under the guidance of Bogdan Mincă. The thesis received the Award of the Senate of the University of Bucharest, for The Best PhD Thesis in the Humanities in 2020. During 2017-2019, he worked as a Research Assistant at the Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest, in the research project The Structures of Conflict: A Phenomenological Approach to Violence. During 2019-2022, he worked as an Associate Teaching Assistant at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Bucharest. Currently, he is teaching at the Bucharest National University of Arts as a Lecturer, he is the Principal Investigator of the research project Limit-Phenomena and Nonsense. A Phenomenological Approach (2022-2024), which is hosted by the “Alexandru Dragomir” Institute for Philosophy, and he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest, in the research project Imagistic Violence. A Phenomenological Approach (2021-2023).

His main research interests are phenomenology, hermeneutics, and ancient Greek philosophy, with a focus on metaphysics, ontology, and aesthetics.

Publications List

Editions / Edited books (selection)

Journal Articles (selection)

 Book Chapters (selection)


  • Zahavi, Dan. forthcoming. Conștiința de sine și alteritatea. O investigație fenomenologică. [Self-Awarness and Alterity. A Phenomenological Investigation] Oradea: Ratio & Revelation (from English into Romanian).
  • Schnell, Alexander. 2019. Ce este fenomenul? [Qu’est-ce que le phénomène?]. Oradea: Ratio & Revelatio (from French into Romanian).
  • Cairns, Dorion. 2018. Conversații cu Husserl și Fink [Conversations with Husserl and Fink]. Oradea: Ratio & Revelatio (from English and German into Romanian).