Drd. Cătălina Condruz

Cătălina Condruz is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, under the supervision of Dr. Lect. Cristian Ciocan. In her thesis, she is reconstructing the philosophical framework of intersubjectivity within Marion’s phenomenology of givenness, taking as point of departure the notion of counter-intentionality.

During her second year of PhD, Cătălina was involved in Erasmus programme and spent a semester at University of Rouen (France), working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Natalie Depraz. Throughout this summer semester she had the opportunity to do a short clinical training offered by Psychiatric Hospital of Rouvray, which provided her a fundamental basis for her scientific research needs and aims.

She worked as Research Assistant within UEFISCDI Research Project: The Structures of Conflict: A Phenomenological Approach to Violence (2017-2019). Other research interests include: phenomenology of psychiatry, philosophy of visual arts and Romanian Philosophy.


  • Condruz C. (2019) “Is Mental Illness a Form of Violence Against the Self? Notes on Ego Disintegration in Schizophrenia”, in Human Studies, Vol. 43(2): 171–193.
  • Condruz C. (2019) “When philosophy attends to its essence it does not make strides at all”/ “Când își respectă propria-i esență, filozofia nu progresează defel”, în volumul Heidegger și ființa omului. Scrisoarea despre umanism după 70 de ani: CIOCAN, Cristian & MINCĂ Bogdan (ed.), Zeta Books, pp. 213240.
  • Condruz C. (2018): “From encountering the Self to encountering the Other. Alterity configuration using the counter-intentionality concept.”/ “De la întâlnirea cu Sine la întâlnirea cu Celălalt. Configurarea alterității pornind de la conceptul de contra-intenționalitate, în volumul Comunitate – Identitate – Diferență: Priviri fenomenologice: BEJINARIU, Alexandru & BORȚUN, Ileana (ed.), Zeta Books, pp. 193220.



  • September 28, 2019 – The 5th Conference on Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe Shitfting Roles. The Manifold Identities of Phenomenology, organized in collaboration with the Romanian Society for Phenomenology and the IRH project: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0273: The Structures of Conflict: A Phenomenological Approach to Violence, and held at the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, my conference paper: From the Phenomenon of Torture to the Social World. Rethinking the Question of Intersubjectivity;
  • July 17, 2019 – International Conference “Violence. An Interdisciplinary Approach”, organized by Progressive Connexions, held in Verona, Italy, my conference paper: Violence and Social Networking. A Phenomenological Investigation;
  • October 3, 2018 – The 4th Conference on Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe, organized by the Department of Philosophy and Social Critique together with the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology, held at Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Kaunas, Lithuania, my conference paper: Violence through Torture and Emotional Trauma. When the victim takes the place of his torturer;
  • April 5, 2018 – ASCA International Workshop and Conference: Dissecting Violence: Structures, Imaginaries, Resistances, organized by University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, my conference paper: Violence of the image and image of violence. A phenomenological approach to television;
  • November 25, 2017 – International Conference “New Research in Phenomenology, Psychology and Psychoanalysis” (The Romanian Society of Phenomenology Annual Conference), organized by the Department of Philosophy, The Department of Philosophy in Hungarian Language and Center for Applied Philosophy of Babeş-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca with the support of the European Foundation Cluj-Napoca and The Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Cluj (KAB), my conference paper: Television as a violence of the Visible (within the Panel on Phenomenology of Violence);
  • May 31, 2017 “Letter on humanism. After 70 years”, workshop organized by the Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest (IRH-UB) held at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, my paper: When philosophy attends to its essence it does not make forward strides at all forward strides at all* (Când își respectă propria esență filozofia nu progresează defel). The title represent a quotation from Heidegger’s Letter on Humanism;
  • April 27, 2017Conference organized by the National Research Center for History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, my conference paper: The trouble with rationalizing the Other. A phenomenological investigation of “ego amans” (Despre neajunsul de a-l fi gândit pe Celălalt. O cercetare fenomenologică asupra lui “ego amans”)*The first part of title represents a paraphrase of Emil Cioran’s book “The trouble with Being Born” (Despre neajunsul de a se fi născut);
  •  November 16, 2016– The annual conference of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology Community – Identity – Difference. Phenomenological perspectives”, organized in collaboration with the Institute of Philosophy “Alexandru Dragomir” and the Institute for Research in Humanities of the University of Bucharest (IRH), held at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, my conference paper: From encountering the Self to encountering the Other. Alterity configuration using the counter-intentionality concept (De la întâlnirea cu Sine la întâlnirea cu Celălalt. Configurarea alterităţii pornind de la conceptual de contra-intenționalitate);
  •  May 27, 2016 – National Conference “Philosophy and Postmodernity. Subject, Individual, Person”, organized by Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, my conference paper: On the several senses of givenness in Jean-Luc Marion. The gifted as an ultime chance given to modern subject (Despre multipla semnificație a donației la Jean-Luc Marion. Adonatul ca o ultimă șansă dată subiectului modern);
  • May 15, 2015 – National Conference on Esthetics and Philosophy of Art ”Ion Ianoși” , organized by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest and National University of Arts (UNARTE), my conference paper: On playing and existence. A phenomenological reading of Tarkovski’s Stalker (Joc și existență. O lectură fenomenologică a Călăuzei lui Tarkovski);
  • April 27, 2015 – Conference organized by the National Research Center for History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, my conference paper: Martin Heidegger’s Thinking in his post Kehre period (Despre miza gândirii heideggeriene în perioda post-Kehre);
  • February 27, 2015 – National conference „Philosophical Categories and Intercultural Concepts in Romanian Philosophy”, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Romanian Academy, conference: From the metaphysical circle to the hermeneutical circle. An attempt at reconstruction of Noica’s ontology (De la cercul metafizic la cercul hermeneutic. O în(cerc)are de reconstrucție a ontologiei noiciene);
  • May 16, 2014– National Conference on Esthetics and Philosophy of Art “Ion Ianoși” , organized by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest and National University of Arts(UNARTE), conference: Claude Monet and the return to things themselves. A phenomenological approach to impressionist painting (Claude Monet și idealul întoarcerii la lucrurile însele. O perspectivă fenomenologică asupra picturii impresioniste);
  • May 9, 2014 – National Conference „Identity and representation. (Post)modern (De)Constructions of the Subject”, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy, my conference paper: Phenomenon VS phenomenality. Sketch for a possible destruction of Husserl’s ego (Fenomen vs fenomenalitate. Schiță pentru o posibilă destrucție a ego-ului husserlian).