Dr. Paul Marinescu

Paul Marinescu has a PhD at the University of Bucharest and the University Lyon 3, with a thesis on “The Universality of Hermeneutics” (2011). In 2006, he received the prize “Cotutelle de thèse”, awarded by AAUL (Amis de l’Université de Lyon). From 2013, he is member of the board of the Studia Phaenomenologica journal. In 2015, he was Fellow of the French Government & Fondation Maison Sciences de l’Homme. Coeditor of two journal issues devoted to Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy, and of three collective volumes on the phenomenology of history. He works as a researcher at the Alexandru Dragomir Institute for Philosophy (Romanian Society for Phenomenology). Principal Investigator in the following research projects: “I was there.” Laying the Foundations for a Comprehensive Phenomenology of Testimony (2020 – 2022); Finitude and Meaning. Phenomenological Perspectives on History in the Light of the Paul Ricoeur Jan Patocka Relationship (2018 – 2020). He translated into Romanian books by Paul Ricoeur, Jean Sevillia, Boris Cyrulnik and Eric de Rus. His main areas of research are: Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Historiography.

Publications List




  • „Adevăr şi istorie. Enigma reprezentării trecutului [Truth and History. The Enigma of the Representation of the Past]”, Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. III / 3-4, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 343-352. (Scopus).



TRANSLATION (from French to Romanian)


  • „Epistemologia psihanalizei”, in Psihanaliza, VIII, nr. 4/2001, Ed. Trei, Bucureşti;
  •  „Topica sensului în ‘Uitarea numelor proprii’. Psihanaliză şi filosofia limbajului”, in Psihanaliza, VII, nr. 2/2000, Ed. Trei, Bucureşti;
  • „Nietzsche între Christ şi Dionisos”, in Psihanaliza, VI, nr. 1/1999, Ed. Trei, Bucureşti.

CONFERENCES (selection)

  • „From terror to the tragic of the action. Ricoeur’s views on violence”, Colloquium: „Phenomenology of Emotions”. The 4th Conference on Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe, organized by Vytautas Magnus University, October 12-13, 2018, Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • „De la phénoménologie du témoignage à la crise de l’historiographie”, Colloquium: Phenomenology and the Social Sciences, organized by Polish Association of Phenomenology, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 28-29 November 2014, Warsaw;
  • „Paradoxe et indétermination de la traduction. Un dialogue esquissé Ricoeur – Quine”, Colloquium: Ricoeur et la philosophie de langue anglaise, organized by Fonds Ricoeur, EHSS, Society for Ricœur Studies, 18-20 November 2013, Paris;
  • „Hermeneutical crisis as rethinking the humanities. The question of trace: traces of the past, mnemonic traces”, Colloquium: Paul Ricoeur and the Future of the Humanities, organized by Faculty of Philosophy | Faculty of the Humanities, University of Groningen, 27-29 June 2013, Groningen, Netherlands;
  • „La traduction: ‘cas extrême’ ou ‘paradigme’ de l’expérience herméneutique? Un dialogue possible Gadamer – Ricœur”, Colloquium: Thinking about Translation: Philosophy on the Way between Languages, organized by Universidad Carlos III, 24-26 September 2012, Madrid;
  • „La vulnérabilité de l’être historique. La tension d’un indécidable: oubli destructeur / oubli fondateur”, Colloquium: Through crisis and conflict. Thinking differently with Paul Ricœur, organized by Université de Salento, University of Verona, the Institute of Philosophical Studies “Enrico Castelli”, 26 September 2012, Lecce, Italy.