Dr. Alexandru CISTELECAN
Alex Cistelecan (Phd in political theory with the thesis „The Discrete Charm of Bureaucracy. A Lacanian Theory of the Bureaucratic Mechanism”, LUISS „Guido Carli” University, Rome, Italy, defended 23.09.2011) teaches at UMFST „Emil Palade” (Tg. Mures, Romania), Faculty of Sciences and Letters, Department of Communication and Public Relations, and is vice-editor in chief at the cultural magazine Vatra.
He has published De la stânga la stânga. Lecturi critice în câmpul progresist [From Left to Left: Critical Readings in the Progressive Camp], Tact, 2019 and edited Wronging Rights. Philosophical Challenges for Human Rights (Routledge, 2011, with Singh-Rathore A.), Plante exotice. Teoria și practica marxiștilor români [Exotic Plants. The Theory and Practice of Romanian Marxists] (Tact, 2015, with Andrei State); Ce mai rămâne din mai 68? [Legacies of May 68, Fractalia, 2018, with Alex Ciorogar], and Secolul XXI. Istorie recentă și futurologie [The 21st Century. Recent history and futurology], Cartier, 2021.
Publications List
- Cistelecan A. (2019), De la stânga la stânga. Lecturi critice în câmpul progresist [From Left to Left. Critical Readings in the Progressive Sphere], Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Cistelecan A. (2007), Viața ca film porno. Protocoalele Lacan, [Life as a Porn Movie. The Lacanian Protocols], Aula, Brașov.
Edited books
- Cistelecan A. (2021), Secolul XXI. Istorie recentă și futurologie [The 21st Century: Recent History and Futurology], Cartier, Chișinău;
- Cistelecan A., Ciorogar A. (2018), Ce mai rămâne din Mai 68? [Legacies of May 68], Fractalia, București;
- Cistelecan A., State A. (2015), Plante exotice. Teoria și practica marxiștilor români [Exotic Plants. The Theory and Practice of Romanian Marxists], Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Cistelecan A., Singh-Rathore A. (2011), Wronging Rights. Philosophical Challenges for Human Rights, Routledge, London & New Delhi;
- Alex Cistelecan, Veronica Lazăr (2010), Ghid practic de teorie critică [Practical Guide of Critical Theory], ȘPAC, Cluj.
Journal Articles (selection)
Articles in Arts & Humanities Citation Index
- Cistelecan A. (2014), “The Theological Turn of Contemporary Critical Theory”, in: Telos, no. 167, pp. 8-26.
BDI articles in international journals
- Cistelecan A. (2015), “From Region to Culture, From Culture to Class”, in: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 45-60;
- Cistelecan A. (2011), “Which Critique of Human Rights? Evaluating the Post-Colonialist and the Post-Althusserian Alternatives”, in: International Journal of Zizek Studies, vol 5, no. 1.
BDI articles in Romanian journals
- Cistelecan A. (2020), “Novel and Anti-Novel. Moretti Before Distant Reading”, in: Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory, vol. 6.2;
- Cistelecan A. (2019), “Rupturi de nuanță. Adorno cu Marx” [Subtle Ruptures. Adorno With Marx], in: Vatra, no. 8-9, pp. 26-31;
- Cistelecan A. (2018), “Violență divină sau fascism de duzină” [Divine Violence of Ordinary Fascism], in: Vatra, no. 6-7, pp. 50-56;
- Cistelecan A. (2017), “Materialismul evanescent” [The Evanescent Materialism], in: Vatra, no. 5-6, pp.71-82;
- Cistelecan A. (2017), „Autogestiuni filosofice”, [Philosophical self-management], in: Vatra, no. 1-2, pp. 71-74;
- Cistelecan A. (2017), “Community Building in Posthistorical Times”, in: Caietele Echinox, vol. 32;
- Cistelecan A. (2016), “Criza economică şi limitele democraţiei” [The Economic Crisis and the Limits of Democracy], in: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, vol. 20, pp. 89-94;
- Cistelecan A. (2015), “The Contradictions of the Moralist Reading of Real Socialism”, in: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, vol. 19, pp. 84-88;
- Cistelecan A. (2015), “Marxism and the Critique of Value”, in: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, vol. 18, pp. 56-61;
- Cistelecan A. (2014), “The Theological Turn of Contemporary Critical Theory”, in: New Europe College „Ștefan Odobleja” Program Yearbook 2012-2013, pp. 83-122;
- Cistelecan A. (2014), “Sfârșitul economiei politice și ultimul ei consilier” [The End of Political Economy and Its Last Counselor], Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, vol. 16, pp. 88-94
- Cistelecan A. (2013), “Eurocriza sau acumularea inegalitatilor” [The Eurocrisis or the accumulation of inequalities], in: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, vol. 14, pp. 83-94.
Book Chapters (selection)
- Cistelecan A. (2022), “Marx’s Capital in Romania”, in: Musto M., Babak A (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Marx’s ‘Capital’: A Global History of Translation, Dissemination and Reception, Routledge (forthcoming);
- Cistelecan A. (2021), “Epokhé”, in: Cistelecan A. (ed.), Secolul XXI. Istorie recentă și futurologie [The 21st Century: Recent History and Futurology], Cartier, Chișinău;
- Cistelecan A. (2019), “History and middle class consciousness in the Romanian cinema of the 1990’s”, in: Trocan I. (ed.), Romanian Cinema Inside Out: Insights on Film Culture, Industry and Politics 1912-2019, ICR, Bucharest;
- Cistelecan A. (2019), “Adorno cu Marx” [Adorno With Marx], afterward to Theodor Adorno, Dialectica Negativă [Negative Dialectics] translated into Romanian by Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2019), “Idealismul mecanicist” [The Mechanic Idealism], in: Ciorogar A. (ed.), Postumanismul [Posthumanism], Tracus Arte, București;
- Cistelecan A. (2018), “Lungul an 68. Cazul Italian” [The Long Year 1968. The Italian Case], in: Cistelecan A., Ciorogar A. (eds.), Ce mai rămâne din Mai 68? [Legacies of May 68], Fractalia, București;
- Cistelecan A. (2017), “Progres în regres” [Progress in Regress], in: Geiselberger H. (ed.), Marea regresie. De ce trăim un moment istoric [The Great Regression. Why We Are Living a Historical Moment], Art, București;
- Cistelecan A. (2016), “From Region to Culture, From Culture to Class”, in: Dale G., Miklossy K., Segert D. (eds.), The Politics of East European Area Studies, Routledge, London & New York;
- Cistelecan A. (2016), “The Dialectics of Enlightenment in Romanian Post-Communist Publishing Practices”, in: Corbea Hoisie A., Diaconu M. (eds.), Geisteswissenschaftenim Dialog: Deutsch-Rumänisch/Rumänisch-Deutsch, Editura Universitatii ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ & Hartung-GorreVerlag Konstanz;
- Cistelecan A. (2015), “Istorie și conștiință de clasă medie în filmele românești ale anilor 90” [History and Middle Class Consciousness in Romanian Films of the 1990s], in: Gorzo A., Filippi G. (coord.), Filmul tranziției [The Cinema of Transition], Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2015), “Pavel Câmpeanu”, in: Cistelecan A., State (eds.), Plante exotice. Teoria și practica marxiștilor români [The Theory and Practice of Romanian Marxists], Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2014), “Popularoid. Epoca de aur a amintirilor colective” [Popularoid. The Golden Era of Collective Memories], in: Gorzo A., State A. (eds.), Politicile filmului. Contribuții la interpretarea cinemaului românesc contemporan [The Politics of Film. Contributions to the Interpretation of Contemporary Romanian Cinema], Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Cistelecan A. (2014), “Ideologia Băsescu” [The Basescu Ideology], in: Poenaru F., Rogozanu C. (eds.), Epoca Băsescu. România între 2004-2014 [The Basescu Epoch. Romania Between 2004-2014], Tact, Cluj-Napoca.
Reviews (selection)
- Cistelecan A. (2019): Cosmin Cercel, “Towards a Jurisprudence of State Communism”, in: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 27.2-3;
- Cistelecan A. (2016): Duncan Light, “The Dracula Dilemma. Tourism, Identity and the State in Romania”, in: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 24.2;
- Cistelecan A. (2015): Larsen N., Nilges M., Robinson J., Brown N. (eds.), “Marxism and the Critique of Value”, in: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books;
- Cistelecan A. (2014): Michael Lebowitz, “The Contradictions of “Real Socialism:” The Conductor and the Conducted”, in: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books;
- Cistelecan A. (2014): Costas Lapavitsas, “Crisis in the Eurozone” & Jürgen Habermas, „The Crisis in the European Union: A Response”, in: Marx and Philosophy Review of Books.
Translations (selections)
From Italian to Romanian
- Cistelecan A. (2017): Giorgio Agamben, Il regno e la Gloria. Per una genealogia teologica dell economia e del governo, Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2016): Giorgio Agamben, Opus dei. Archeologia dell officio, Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2016): Domenico Losurdo, Controstoria del liberalismo, Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2015): Giorgio Agamben, Stasis. La Guera civile come paradigma del politico, Tact, Cluj.
From French to Romanian
- Cistelecan A., Ghiu B., Jeler C. (2017): Jacques Derrida, Marges. De le philosophie; Tact, Cluj;
- Cistelecan A. (2014): Anselm Jappe, Les aventures de la marchandise. Pour une nouvelle critique de la valeur, Tact, Cluj.
From English to Romanian
- Cistelecan A. (2021): David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs. A Theory, Art, București (forthcoming);
- Cistelecan A. (2021): Perry Anderson, American Foreign Policy and Its Thinkers, Fractalia, Bucuresti;
- Cistelecan A. (2019): Jon Ronson, Them. Adventures with Extremists, Art, București.