Christian Ferencz-Flatz (Habilitation Babeș-Bolyai University 2020, PhD University of Bucharest 2008) currently teaches at the National University of Theatre and Film I. L. Caragiale and is the Book-Review Editor of the journal Studia Phaenomenologica.
He was Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Cologne (2016-2017), at the Institute for Research in the Humanities (University of Bucharest 2015) and of the New Europe College (2008-2009).
He was Principal Investigator in the following research projects: Habitus, Memory, Sediment: Facets of a Phenomenological Approach to Tradition (2010–2013) and Continental Philosophy as a Rigorous Science. Elements of Empirical Research in Early Phenomenology and Critical Theory (2018–2020).
His research concerns phenomenology, critical theory, the philosophy of history, film- and media theories.
Publications List
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2018), Filmul ca situație socială. Eseuri fenomenologice, Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2016), Sehen Als-ob. Ästhetik und Pragmatik in Husserls Bildlehre, Bautz, Nordhausen;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015), Incursiuni fenomenologice în noul film românesc, Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014), Retro. Amorse pentru o fenomenologie a trecutului, Humanitas, Bucharest;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2009), Obisnuit si neobisnuit in viata de zi cu zi: Fenomenologia situatiei si critica conceptului de valoare la Martin Heidegger, Humanitas, Bucharest.
Editions / Edited Books
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Popa D. (eds.) (2022), Studia Phaenomenologica, volume 22: Gestures, Zeta Books, Bucharest;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Staiti A. (eds.) (2018), Studia Phaenomenologica, volume 18: The Promise of Genetic Phenomenology, Zeta Books, Bucharest;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Hanich J. (eds.) (2016), Studia Phaenomenologica, volume 16: Film and Phenomenology, Zeta Books, Bucharest;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Marinescu P., (eds.) (2013), Figuri ale vulnerabilităţii existenţiale. De la uitarea de sine la uitarea fiinţei, UAIC, Iasi;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Marinescu P. (eds.) (2012), Timp, memorie și tradiție. Studii de fenomenologia istoriei, Zeta Books, Bucharest.
Journal Articles (selection)
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2019), Eidetic Intuition as Physiognomics. Rethinking Adorno’s Phenomenological Heritage, in: Continental Philosophy Review volume 52/4;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2019), Zur Funktion des Vortheoretischen bei Adorno. Der Erfahrungsbegriff der Kritischen Theorie und die Phänomenologie, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 67/6, pp. 930-951;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2018), Das Experiment bei Husserl. Zum Verhältnis von Empirie und Eidetik in der Phänomenologie, in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch, volume 125/ 2;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Staiti A. (2018), Introduction: Notes on a Troubled Reception History, in: Studia Phaenomenologica, volume 18;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015), The Element of Intersubjectivity. Heidegger’s Early Conception of Empathy, in: Continental Philosophy Review, volume 48;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015), Geschichte am Scheideweg. Heidegger und der Surrealismus bei Benjamin, in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015), Un fenomenolog involuntar. Din nou despre cazul Alexandru Dragomir, in: Observatorul cultural, no. 781;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014), A Phenomenology of Automatism. Habit and Situational Typification in Husserl, in: Phenomenology and Mind, Vol. 6, pp. 65-83;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014), Husserls Begriff der Kinästhese und seine Entwicklung, in: Husserl Studies, volume 30, issue 1, pp. 21-45;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014), Zur „Anschaulichkeit“ der Einfühlung bei Husserl, in: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, volume 76, issue 1, pp. 87-118.
Book Chapters (selection)
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2020), The Phenomenologist as a Method Actor, in: Breyer T., Cavallaro M, Sandoval R., (eds.), Phenomenology of Fantasy and Emotion, WBG – Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2019), Edmund Husserl. Das Wesen der Phänomenologie, in: J. Nitsche, N. Werner (eds.), Entwendungen. Walter Benjamin und seine Quellen, Fink: München;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2019), Filozofia ex negativo. Foreword to Theodor Adorno, Dialectica negativă, Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2017), Einfühlung: Paarung und Spiegelung. Eine Husserlsche Auslegung von Shirin (2008), in: M. Hagener & I. V. Ferran (eds.), Empathie im Film.Perspektiven der Ästhetischen Theorie, Phänomenologie und Analytischen Philosophie, Transcript, Bielefeld;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015), Adorno și fenomenologii. Postface to Th. W. Adorno, Jargon der Eigentlichkeit, Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014), Ghișeu de informații. Preface to W. Benjamin, Einbahnstrasse, Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014), Deja vu. O interpretare fenomenologică, in: Ferencz-Flatz Ch., Marinescu P. (eds.), Figuri ale vulnerabilităţii existenţiale. De la uitarea de sine la uitarea fiinţei, UAIC, Iași.
Translations (selection)
From German into Romanian
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2022): Walter Benjamin, Proiectul Pasajelor [Das Passagen-Werk], Tact, Cluj-Napoca (forthcoming);
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2019): Theodor Adorno, Dialectica negativă [Negative Dialektik], Tact, Cluj;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2016): Siegfried Kracauer, Ornamentul maselor. Eseuri [Das Ornament der Masse. Essays], Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015): Walter Benjamin, Opera de artă în epoca reproductibilității sale tehnice. Ediție critică [Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit. Kritische Gesamtausgabe Bd. 16], Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015): Theodor W. Adorno, Jargonul autenticității [Jargon der Eigentlichkeit], Tact, Cluj-Napoca;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014): Walter Benjamin, Stradă cu sens unic [Einbahnstraße], Tact, Cluj-Napoca.
Book Reviews (selection)
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2015): Edmund Husserl, Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie. Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Späte Ethik. Texte aus dem Nachlass (1908-1937), in: Dermot Moran and Rodney K.B. Parker (eds.), Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 15 — Early Phenomenology;
- Ferencz-Flatz Ch. (2014): Emmanuel Alloa (ed.), Erscheinung und Ereignis. Zur Zeitlichkeit des Bildes, in: Studia Phaenomenologica vol. 14 — Place, Environment, Atmosphere.