Dr. Cristian Ciocan

Cristian Ciocan (Habilitation University of Bucharest 2015, PhD University of Paris IV – Sorbonne 2009, PhD University of Bucharest 2006) is currently member of the Doctoral School of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest, and a senior researcher at the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB). He is President of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology (CEESP)Vice-President  of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studia Phaenomenologica. He was a lecturer at the University of Bucharest, Center of Excellence in Image Study (2016–2019), Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (2007–2008) and of the New Europe College (2009–2010). He is editor of the Newsletter of Phenomenology and the Newsletter of Romanian Philosophy, and coordinator of the Online Encyclopedia of the Romanian Philosophy. In 2009, he received the In hoc signo vinces prize for research excellence awarded by CNCSIS (Romanian National University Research Council); in 2018, he received the prize of the Senate of the University of Bucharest for the best journal in the Humanities. He was Principal Investigator on the following research projects: The Body In-Between: An Interdisciplinary Approach to an Integral Theory of Corporeal Phenomena(2010–2013); Phenomenological Approaches to the Anthropological Difference (2015–2017); The Structures of Conflict: A Phenomenological Approach to Violence (2017–2019), and Imagistic Violence: A Phenomenological Approach (2020–2023). He is currently the scientific manager of the research project The Life of the Heart: Phenomenology of Body and Emotions, coordinated by Natalie Depraz (2023–2026).

Publications List


Editions / Edited books (selection)

  • Marinescu P. & Ciocan C. (2021) From Witnessing to Testimony. Studia Phaenomenologica vol. XXI.
  • Ciocan C. (2020) The Modalizations of Violence (Human Studies, vol. 43, Issue 2) (Dordrecht: Springer)
  • Ciocan C. & Marinescu P. (2019) On Conflict and Violence. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. XIX.
  • Ciocan C. & Mincă B. (2019) Heidegger și ființa omului. Scrisoarea despre „umanism” după 70 de ani (București: Zeta Books)
  • Ciocan C. & Diaconu M. (2017) Phenomenology of Animality. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. XVII
  • Ciocan C. & Vasiliu A. (2016) Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion (Paris: Cerf)
  • Ciocan C. & Behnke E. (2012) Possibilities of Embodiment. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. XII
  • Ciocan C. (2009) Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology (București: Zeta Books).
  • Ciocan C. (2007) Emmanuel Levinas 100: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference (Bucharest: Zeta Books).
  • Ciocan C. (2005) Translating Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit – Studia Phaenomenologica vol. V
  • Ciocan C. & Balogh P. (2005) The Ocean of Forgetting. Alexandru Dragomir, A Romanian Phenomenologist – Studia Phaenomenologica vol. IV, nr. 3-4

Journal Articles (selection)

Book Chapters (selection)

  • Ciocan C. (2016): “Proximité et distance : Jean-Luc Marion, lecteur de Levinas”, in Cristian Ciocan, Anca Vasiliu (ed.), Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion, Cerf, 2016, pp. 305-324.
  • Ciocan C. (2012): “Emmanuel Levinas”, in: Vincenzo Costa & Antonio Cimino (ed.), Storia della fenomenologia (Carocci, 2012)
  • Ciocan C. (2010): “Philosophical Developments in Romania in the last Decade (1998-2008)”, in: D. Ginev (ed.), Die Geisteswissenschaften im europäischen Diskurs. Zweiter Band: Osteuropa. Innsbruck-Wien, StudienVerlag, 2010, p. 104-119.
  • Ciocan C. (2008): “Philosophy without Freedom: Constantin: Noica and Alexandru Dragomir”, in: I. Copoeru & H.-R. Sepp (ed.), Phenomenology 2005. vol. III: Selected Essays from Euro-Mediterranean Area, Bucharest, Zeta Books, 2008, p. 33-49, ISBN 978-973-88632-0-0.
  • Ciocan C. (2008): “Affection (Befindlichkeit)”, “Angoisse (Angst)”, “Corporéité (Leiblichkeit)”, “Être-avec (Mitsein)”, “Être pour la mort (Sein zum Tode)”, “Le on (das Man)”, in: A. Beaulieu (ed.), Abécédaire de Martin Heidegger, Mons, Sils Maria, 2008, pp. 9-11, 22-24, 47-49, 80-82, p. 156-158,
  • Ciocan C. (2007): “Jean-Paul Sartre et la critique du problème heideggérien de la mort”, in: N. Tambourgi-Hatem (ed.), Sartre sans frontières, Beyrouth, Université Saint-Joseph, p. 47-78, ISBN 9953-455-76-7.
  • Ciocan C. (2003): “Sur le concept de pulsion (Trieb) chez Heidegger”, in: Cheung Chan-Fai, Ivan Chvatik, I. Copoeru, L. Embree, J. Iribarne, H.-R. Sepp (ed.), Essays in Celebration of the Founding of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations, web-Published at www.o-p-o.net, 2003.

Research grants

Talks (selection)

Conferences organisation