Dr. Cristian Ciocan
Cristian Ciocan (Habilitation University of Bucharest 2015, PhD University of Paris IV – Sorbonne 2009, PhD University of Bucharest 2006) is currently a member of the Doctoral School of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest, and a senior researcher at the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB). He is President of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology (CEESP), Vice-President of the Romanian Society for Phenomenology, and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studia Phaenomenologica. He was a lecturer at the University of Bucharest, Center of Excellence in Image Study (2016–2019), Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg (2007–2008) and of the New Europe College (2009–2010). He is editor of the Newsletter of Phenomenology and the Newsletter of Romanian Philosophy, and coordinator of the Online Encyclopedia of the Romanian Philosophy. In 2009, he received the In hoc signo vinces prize for research excellence awarded by CNCSIS (Romanian National University Research Council); in 2018, he received the prize of the Senate of the University of Bucharest for the best journal in the Humanities. He was Principal Investigator on the following research projects: The Body In-Between: An Interdisciplinary Approach to an Integral Theory of Corporeal Phenomena(2010–2013); Phenomenological Approaches to the Anthropological Difference (2015–2017); The Structures of Conflict: A Phenomenological Approach to Violence (2017–2019), and Imagistic Violence: A Phenomenological Approach (2020–2023). He is currently the scientific manager of the research project The Life of the Heart: Phenomenology of Body and Emotions, coordinated by Natalie Depraz (2023–2026).
Publications List
- Ciocan C. (2022), Violență și animalitate: explorări fenomenologice, Spandugino & Zeta Books.
- Ciocan C. (2014), Heidegger et le problème de la mort: existentialité, authenticité, temporalité (Dordrecht: Springer, “Phaenomenologica” Series, vol. 211)
- Ciocan C. (2013), Întruchipări. Studiu de fenomenologie a corporalității (Bucharest: Humanitas).
- Ciocan C. (2007), Moribundus sum. Heidegger și problema morții (Bucharest: Humanitas).
- Ciocan C., Hansel G. (2005), Levinas Concordance (Dordrecht: Springer).
Editions / Edited books (selection)
- Marinescu P. & Ciocan C. (2021) From Witnessing to Testimony. Studia Phaenomenologica vol. XXI.
- Ciocan C. (2020) The Modalizations of Violence (Human Studies, vol. 43, Issue 2) (Dordrecht: Springer)
- Ciocan C. & Marinescu P. (2019) On Conflict and Violence. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. XIX.
- Ciocan C. & Mincă B. (2019) Heidegger și ființa omului. Scrisoarea despre „umanism” după 70 de ani (București: Zeta Books)
- Ciocan C. & Diaconu M. (2017) Phenomenology of Animality. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. XVII
- Ciocan C. & Vasiliu A. (2016) Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion (Paris: Cerf)
- Ciocan C. & Behnke E. (2012) Possibilities of Embodiment. Studia Phaenomenologica, vol. XII
- Ciocan C. (2009) Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology (București: Zeta Books).
- Ciocan C. (2007) Emmanuel Levinas 100: Proceedings of the Centenary Conference (Bucharest: Zeta Books).
- Ciocan C. (2005) Translating Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit – Studia Phaenomenologica vol. V
- Ciocan C. & Balogh P. (2005) The Ocean of Forgetting. Alexandru Dragomir, A Romanian Phenomenologist – Studia Phaenomenologica vol. IV, nr. 3-4
Journal Articles (selection)
Ciocan C. (2023): “Witnessing as an Existential Phenomenon”, Laval théologique et philosophique 79 (1), 21-43″
Ciocan C. (2022): “Phenomenology of Gesture Between Heidegger and Flusser”, Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie, 61(3), 575-599. doi:10.1017/S0012217322000191
Ciocan C. (2021): “Violence and image”, Continental Philosophy Review, 54, 331–348
Ciocan C. (2020): “Towards a Multi-modal Phenomenological Approach of Violence”, Human Studies 43, 151–158
Ciocan C. (2020): “Violence and Affectivity“, Human Studies vol. 43, 195–218
- Ciocan C. (2019): “Embodiment and Animality“, Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (2), 87-103
- Ciocan C. (2019): “Violence and Affectivity“, Human Studies (2019) DOI 10.1007/s10746-019-09507-5
- Ciocan C. (2018): “Violence, Animality, and Territoriality“, Research in Phenomenology vol. 48 issue 1, 57–76, DOI: 10.1163/15691640-12341384
- Ciocan C. (2017): “Husserl’s Phenomenology of Animality and the Paradoxes of Normality”, Human Studies, vol. 40, Issue 2, 175–190, DOI: 10.1007/s10746-017-9419-7.
- Ciocan C. (2015): “Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Embodiment in the Zollikon Seminars”, Continental Philosophy Review 48.4 (2015) 463–478.
- Ciocan C. (2014): “La phénoménologie lévinassienne du corps dans Totalité et infini”, Les Etudes Philosophiques 114.1 (2014) 137-151.
- Ciocan C. (2013): “Le problème de la corporéité chez le jeune Lévinas”, Les Etudes Philosophiques 113.2 (2013) 201–219
- Ciocan C. (2011): “Comprendre et sens: La genèse ontologique du langage dans l’analytique du Dasein”, Revue Philosophique de Louvain 109.3 (2011) 527-551.
- Ciocan C. (2010): “Le problème de la mort dans les Beiträge zur Philosophie (1936-1939)”, Revue Philosophique de Louvain 108.2 (2010) 313-333.
- Ciocan C. (2010): “Heidegger and the Problem of Boredom”, in: Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41.1 (2010) 64-77
- Ciocan C. (2010): “Mort et vérité: Heidegger et le problème de la certitude”, in: Philosophie 105 (2010), 52-63.
- Ciocan C. (2010): “Heidegger et la mort de l’autre”, in: Cercle Herméneutique 13-14 (2009/2010) 127-140
- Ciocan C. (2009): “The Problem of Embodiment in the Early Writings of Emmanuel Levinas”, Levinas Studies. An Annual Review vol. 4 (2009), 1-20.
- Ciocan C. (2009): “Notes sur l’évolution du problème de la mort dans la pensée de Heidegger après Sein und Zeit (1931-1935)”, Synthesis philosophica 48.2 (2009) 297-315
- Ciocan C. (2009): “Heidegger, la mort et la totalité”, Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 134.2 (2009) 291-309.
- Ciocan C. (2009): “Qu’est-ce qu’un Existenzial?”, Heidegger Studies 25 (2009) 191-216.
- Ciocan C. (2008): “The Question of the Living Body in Heidegger’s Analytic of Dasein”, Research in Phenomenology 38.1 (2008), 72-89, Leiden, Brill, ISSN 0085-5553, Online ISSN: 1569-1640.
- Ciocan C. (2005): “La phénoménologie en Roumanie”, Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie 13 (2005) 291-297.
- Ciocan C. (2004): “Les repères d’une symétrie renversée: La phénoménologie de la mort entre Heidegger et Lévinas”, Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie 12 (2004) 313-339.
Book Chapters (selection)
- Ciocan C. (2016): “Proximité et distance : Jean-Luc Marion, lecteur de Levinas”, in Cristian Ciocan, Anca Vasiliu (ed.), Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion, Cerf, 2016, pp. 305-324.
- Ciocan C. (2012): “Emmanuel Levinas”, in: Vincenzo Costa & Antonio Cimino (ed.), Storia della fenomenologia (Carocci, 2012)
- Ciocan C. (2010): “Philosophical Developments in Romania in the last Decade (1998-2008)”, in: D. Ginev (ed.), Die Geisteswissenschaften im europäischen Diskurs. Zweiter Band: Osteuropa. Innsbruck-Wien, StudienVerlag, 2010, p. 104-119.
- Ciocan C. (2008): “Philosophy without Freedom: Constantin: Noica and Alexandru Dragomir”, in: I. Copoeru & H.-R. Sepp (ed.), Phenomenology 2005. vol. III: Selected Essays from Euro-Mediterranean Area, Bucharest, Zeta Books, 2008, p. 33-49, ISBN 978-973-88632-0-0.
- Ciocan C. (2008): “Affection (Befindlichkeit)”, “Angoisse (Angst)”, “Corporéité (Leiblichkeit)”, “Être-avec (Mitsein)”, “Être pour la mort (Sein zum Tode)”, “Le on (das Man)”, in: A. Beaulieu (ed.), Abécédaire de Martin Heidegger, Mons, Sils Maria, 2008, pp. 9-11, 22-24, 47-49, 80-82, p. 156-158,
- Ciocan C. (2007): “Jean-Paul Sartre et la critique du problème heideggérien de la mort”, in: N. Tambourgi-Hatem (ed.), Sartre sans frontières, Beyrouth, Université Saint-Joseph, p. 47-78, ISBN 9953-455-76-7.
- Ciocan C. (2003): “Sur le concept de pulsion (Trieb) chez Heidegger”, in: Cheung Chan-Fai, Ivan Chvatik, I. Copoeru, L. Embree, J. Iribarne, H.-R. Sepp (ed.), Essays in Celebration of the Founding of the Organization of Phenomenological Organizations, web-Published at www.o-p-o.net, 2003.
Research grants
- 2017–2019: The Structures of Conflict: A Phenomenological Approach to Violence (PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0273)
- 2015-2017: Phenomenological Approaches to the Anthropological Difference (PN-II-RU-TE- 2014-4-0630).
- 2010-2013: The Body In-Between. An Interdisciplinary Approach to an Integral Theory of Corporeal Phenomena” (PN-II-RU-TE-2010-156).
- 2007-2008: Phenomenology of affective dispositions in Heidegger’s philosophy (1927-1230): Fear, anxiety and boredom. Roman Herzog Fellowship accorded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Research fellow at Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau.
Talks (selection)
- “Embodiment and Animality”, Issues in contemporary phenomenology, 23-26 March 2017, Warsaw, Poland
- “Territoriality, Violence and the Limits of Empathy”, Phenomenology and Beyond. Nordic Society for Phenomenology – Annual conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 21-23 April 2016.
- “Une analytique phénoménologique de la violence inter- et intra-spécifique”, L’humain en question. Ce que les animaux nous apprennent, 7-9 May 2015, Université de Genève, Switzerland.
- “Les expériences charnelles dans Autrement qu’être”, Autrement qu’être ou au-delà de l’essence : le retour de la sagesse du ciel sur la terre, 8-10 juillet 2014, University of Toulouse.
- “Jean-Luc Marion lecteur de Levinas”, Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion, 2013, 10–11 October, University of Bucharest.
- “Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Embodiment in Zollikon Seminars”, The Significance of Phenomenology. The 11th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology. Center for Subjectivity Research University of Copenhagen, 18-20 April 2013.
- “Penser devant les docteurs. Heidegger à Zollikon”, Qu’appelle-t-on la pensée? Le philosopher heideggérien, 20 March 2013, Collège International de philosophie, Paris.
- “Levinas’s Phenomenology of Eros”, The Varieties of Phenomenology. Nordic Society for Phenomenology (NoSP) 10th annual meeting, June 7–9, 2012, University of Oslo, Norway.
- “Phénoménologie du corps dans Autrement qu’être de Levinas”, Phénomènes psychiques et corps, Casa Lovinescu, Bucharest, 27-28 November 2012.
- “Le phénomène du corps dans Totalité et infini”, Totalité et Infini, une oeuvre de ruptures, 9-11 May 2011, Paris, France (Alliance Israélite Universelle)
- “Notes sur la phénoménologie lévinassienne du corps dans Totalité et Infini”, Reason and Life. The Responsibility of Philosophy. OPO IV Congress in Phenomenology, 21 September 2011 (Segovia, Spain).
- “Emmanuel Levinas et le problème de la corporéité”, L’eredità fenomenologica: Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Sapienza, Universita di Roma Facoltà di Filosofia, 5-6 November 2010 (Rome, Italy).
- “Entre visible et invisible : les paradigmes de l’image chez Jean-Luc Marion”, Cartésianisme-phénoménologie-théologie. La réception de la philosophie de Jean-Luc Marion en Europe centrale et orientale, Université catholique Pázmány Péter, 19-20 March 2010 (Budapest, Hungary).
- “Constantin Noica and the Terror of History”, Romanian Cultural Institute Stockholm, 5 November 2009 (Stockholm, Sweden).
- “Lévinas and the Problem of the Embodiment”, Europa und seine Anderen. Edith Stein – Emmanuel Levinas – Jozef Tischner, Technische Universität Dresden, Philosophische Fakultät/Institut für Philosophie, 9-12 iunie 2009 (Dresden, Germany).
- “La reception de la pensée lévinassienne en Roumanie”, Première Rencontre mondiale du Judaïsme francophone: Israël, Judaïsme et Francophonie, 19 March 2007 (Netanya, Israel).
- „La critique sartrienne de l’être-pour-la-mort heideggérien”, Sartre sans frontières, Université „Saint-Joseph”, 26 November 2005 (Beirut, Lebanon).
- “Romanian Philosophy under Totalitarianism: Constantin Noica and Alexandru Dragomir”, Second Meeting of the Organization of the Phenomenological Organizations, 15-20 august 2005, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. 17 August 2005 (Lima, Peru).
- “Peut-on faire de la philosophie sans liberté? Le cas roumain: Constantin Noica et Alexandru Dragomir”, Voir, entendre – la Roumanie, 14 October 2004 (Lyon, France).
- “The Phenomenology of Affective Dispositions”, Phänomenologie in Osteuropa II: Rumänien und Bulgarien, 26-27 March 2004 (Prague, Czech Republic).
- “Mort, identité et altérité, La phénoménologie de la mort entre Heidegger et Levinas”, First Central and Eastern European Conference in Phenomenology: Person, Community, and Identity, University Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, 24-28 March 2002.
Conferences organisation
- 2016, 16-17 November, Bucharest: Comunitate – identitate – diferenţă: Priviri fenomenologice (in collaboration with Paul Marinescu and Bogdan Mincă)
- 2014, 23–24 October, Bucharest: Fenomenul “animal” (in collaboration with Archives Husserl de Paris)
- 2013, 10–11 October, Bucharest: Lectures de Jean-Luc Marion (in collaboration with L’Institut Français de Bucarest)
- 2013, 24 June, Bucharest: Urmă, Sediment, Memorie Corporală (in collaboration with Paul Marinescu, Christian Ferencz-Flatz)
- 2010, 5-6 November: L’eredità fenomenologica: Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Sapienza, Universita di Roma Facoltà di Filosofia, Rome, Italy (in collaboration with Jean-François Courtine and Pietro D’Oriano)
- 2008, 14–15 October, Bucharest: Phenomenology, Literature and Art (in collaboration with Andreea Parapuf, Bogdan Mincă, and Gezelschap voor Fenomenologische Wijsbegeerte)
- 2007, 27–28 August, Sibiu: Religious Metaphors and Philosophical Concepts: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology (in collaboration with Mihail Neamțu)
- 2006, 4–5 September, Bucharest: Philosophie et responsabilité. Un Siècle avec Levinas. Célébration du Centenaire d’Emmanuel Levinas en Roumanie (in collaboration with Société Internationale de Recherches Emmanuel Levinas – SIREL și Institutul Francez din București)
- 2005, 19–21 September, Bucharest: Memorie și temporalitate
- 2004, 21–22 September, Bucharest: Problema intenționalității: istorie și perspective